

Introducing Keys and Locked Doors

In my version 2 of the level, players were given a clear goal and direction to explore the map and reach the end. I aimed to make the keys a little challenging to obtain so unlocking the door required some effort. When the player first encounters the locked door, they immediately feel the urge to search for the key that is needed to progress further into the level. The feedback I received on introducing keys and locked doors was overwhelmingly positive. (2 images provided of the locked doors)

Overall Flow

In the second version of the game, the gameplay was much smoother and more polished than before. However, despite the improvements, some players still encountered minor issues while navigating the map. The primary issue with the first version was that it lacked a clear objective or purpose, which left players feeling directionless and unsure of how to proceed. Fortunately, the introduction of keys, locked doors, and enemies to defeat to obtain those keys provided the players with a sense of direction and a goal to work towards. This added layer of complexity made the game more engaging and challenging, while also providing players with a clear path to follow. With this new structure in place, players were able to easily comprehend what they needed to do to advance through the map and reach the end.

What went wrong? 

Several players had expressed concerns regarding the limited space available in a certain section of my level's second version. To be more specific, the problematic area contained breakable blocks that players were required to destroy in order to advance further. However, one of the obstacles placed in the middle of this area made it extremely challenging for players to dodge the poison drops while simultaneously trying to break the wall. This particular issue stemmed from the fact that the area was too cramped, which severely restricted the player's movement and made it difficult for them to navigate around the obstacle and proceed to the other side.

What went right?

During the development of the level, I received valuable feedback from players who found the initial version to be too simplistic and unchallenging. In order to cater to their expectations and enhance their gaming experience, I decided to introduce a range of obstacles and enemies throughout the level. This strategic placement of obstacles and enemies required players to think more critically about their moves, making the game more engaging and exciting. The addition of these elements not only added an extra layer of complexity and difficulty to the game, but also made it more visually appealing and captivating for the players.


Some players have expressed their dissatisfaction with the current map size, finding it too restrictive and challenging to navigate. To address this concern, I am considering the implementation of new game mechanics, including pick-up items and platform structures that temporarily disable their use. By introducing these new elements, I hope to expand the map and create more opportunities for players to collect helpful items that will aid them in traversing the terrain.


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